
  • The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

    David Brandt Berg

    June 2015

    The rule and reign of the Antichrist is going to look like the final triumph of man without God. God will look like He’s been defeated, and the church will look like it’s been destroyed. But what the Antichrist and his forces are not counting on is the omnipotent power of God! God is going to get His greatest victory out of the seeming greatest of all defeats.

  • The Coming Economic Crash

    Signs of the times

    Joseph Candel

    May 2015

    Many analysts and respected economists warn that a devastating worldwide economic crash is coming. Although not specifically predicted in the Bible, such an event is in line with key prophecies regarding the Endtime and would almost certainly hasten their fulfillment-particularly the rise of the world government, and its eventual leader the Antichrist and the implementation of his universal economic system, the mark of the Beast (“666”) during the last 3-1/2 years of his seven year reign. (Daniel 9:27; 11:31; Matthew 24:15, 21; Revelation 13:5-7; 16-18)

  • Signs of the Times: False Christs and False Prophets

    Joseph Candel

    May 2015

    In his signs of the times discourse in Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus gave many indicators of the events that would occur prior to His Second Coming. He warned that there would be wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, pestilences, plagues, famines. However, despite all these things, the End would not yet happen; these would be just the beginning of sorrows.

  • The Antichrist and Technology

    Joseph Candel

    May 2015

    What do we know about the Antichrist, the future world dictator whose coming is foretold in the Bible? From all indications, the technology needed to achieve and enforce his near total control of the world and its people is rapidly approaching.

  • The Coming Cashless Society

    Joseph Candel

    April 2015

    Our financial system is dramatically changing, and cash is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. We live in a digital world, and national governments and big banks are both encouraging the move away from paper currency and coins. But what would a cashless society mean for our future? Are there any dangers to such a system?

  • Endtime Testimony

    Joseph Candel

    March 2015

    Sharing Bible Prophecy with non-Christians sometimes can be quite scary for them. However once you talk to some people about current events and what’s going on in the world and connect it to Endtime Bible prophecy, they become very interested. That’s what led me to Jesus in my personal situation. I had never read the Bible, although I was a Catholic due to loving pressure from my parents. I always looked at the Bible as a book that old ladies read. No offense to older ladies as I was very young at the time and had that wrong concept.