Is it Really the Last Days?
Answers to Your Questions

Q: Is it really the last days? People have been saying that the end is near for thousands of years, but we’re still here.
A: True, but we’re now seeing some signs of the end that weren’t seen in previous generations. For example, technology has suddenly advanced to the point that implementing and enforcing the mark of the Beast are within the realm of possibility. Only now is it possible that every sign of the end that hasn’t already been fulfilled could be fulfilled in a matter of years.
Q: What practical steps can I take to prepare for what’s ahead?
A: The greatest asset in times of crisis is strong faith in God, because faith gives you the confidence that God will help you through whatever life throws at you (Mark 9:23; 10:27). Where do you get faith?—From God’s Word. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Make it a habit to read and study the Bible and Bible-based publications, like Activated, for example, for 15-30 minutes each day, or more if you can. Making time for that may be difficult at first, but the more you do it, the more you’ll want to do it and the easier it will become.
God has promised many times in His Word to work on the behalf of those who turn to Him in time of need, but most of His promises are contingent on us doing our part. So the next thing you can do to prepare for the future is learn to use those promises. Become familiar with them, first of all, by making that one of the focuses of your daily Word time. Make note of the promises you come across, and even memorize the ones that stand out to you most. (See “Feeding Reading” on the opposite page for a starter list.) Then practice fulfilling the conditions of those promises. As you do, you’ll see God work and your faith will grow. Then when you need bigger faith to meet bigger challenges that are to come, you’ll have it.
Take Psalm 91:15, for example: “He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble.” If you’re in the habit of trying to sort out your own problems, start making a conscious effort to take your problems to Jesus in prayer and receive His solutions. Tap into His power, which is infinitely greater than your own.
Or take Isaiah 26:3 for another example: “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Practice turning your thoughts toward Jesus and His promises whenever you feel stressed or confused, and it will be much easier to find that place of inner peace when the situation around you gets even worse.